RYLA is located at the outstanding facilities of Grizzly Creek Ranch just outside of Portola, CA in Plumas County. A description of the facility and a map are located on the Grizzly Creek Ranch Web Site.
Each RYLA Session will be supervised on site by two Rotarian Co-Directors both of whom will have been involved in RYLA for several years. They are assisted by a staff of volunteer Rotarian and non-Rotarian counselors. All of the RYLA staff is overseen by the joint 5180/5190 RYLA Committee which serves at the behest of the past, present and furture District Governors from Districts 5180 and 5190.
Emergency medical services are available and will be provided when needed. Eastern Plumas District Hospital with a 24 hour emeregency room is located in Portola, about 2.5 miles away.
For insurance reasons as well as to alert the RYLA staff of any existing medical conditions or problems.
RYLA begins at 12:00pm on Sunday and ends at 1:00 pm on Friday.
Your sponsoring Rotary Club will arrange transportation to and from RYLA. All students should plan to arrive at RYLA between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm on arrival day.
For Bus Scheduling Information Contact
Tom Engwer
It is mandatory that participants attend the full session. Late arrivals and early departures are not allowed.
Keep it light and simple. You cannot bring alcohol or illegal drugs. Anyone bringing such items will be asked to leave the camp at their parents expense.
Each day you will participate in several dynamic processes with 90-100 of your peers from throughout Northern California and Northern Nevada. Many “group-working” activities will be held. There is also plenty of time for sports, recreation, camaraderie and sharing. And the food is pretty good, too.
Your Rotary Club has a Club RYLA Representative who will be in contact with you. Be sure you write down his or her name and telephone number for future reference. At some point after you return, you will be asked to share your RYLA experiences with the Rotary Club that sponsored you.