
Club application form for prospective students.
Required Registration Form after selection by Rotary Club.
Required Health Information form for students.

What to Expect at RYLA

By the time you arrive at RYLA, you will have been assigned to a living unit and a counselor. Your living unit will include 10 or 11 other young leaders like yourself. Before the week is over, you will probably enjoy a kinship with your group unlike any you have previously experienced. Your sponsoring Rotary Club is responsible for arranging your transportation to and from RYLA. All students should plan on the following schedule: Arrive between 11:00am and 12:00pm on arrival day. Be sure you have already had lunch. Depart shortly by 1:00pm. on the last day. No late arrivals or early departures are allowed. If you do not plan to be picked up and/or dropped off at your home, be sure to arrange where you wish to be dropped off when you return.

You will be assigned to a cabin from which a cabin representative will be elected to the Council. When you arrive, it will be advantageous for you to become familiar with as many of the other participants as possible so that you can vote intelligently for your cabin representative. The first evening, one delegate will be elected from each cabin. The Council will meet the following day to begin its work. Hundreds of young men and women have preceded you and many continue to write that RYLA was the highlight of their young lives. Expect to work hard, play hard, eat well and have a fun and enriching experience. When it is over, you will join the alumni in saying “RYLA changed my life.

RYLA Rules

    • All prescription and over-the-counter drugs must be in the possession of the RYLA Nurse and will be dispensed as needed.
    • Participants are not allowed to bring food of any kind into the cabins. It attracts wildlife.
    • Issued T-shirt is to be worn at all times except for free time and evening activities.
    • No alcohol or illegal drugs or recreational drugs are allowed on the premises
    • Smoking is not permitted at any time on the premises.
    • Participants are not permitted off site at any time without an adult escort.
    • Cell phones, cameras, video recording devices and other internet connective devices are forbidden.
    • No boy/girl co-mingling in cabins at any time. This means female students are allowed only in female designated cabins and males are only allowed in male designated cabins.


WEEK 1 JUNE 16 – 21
WEEK 2 JUNE 23 – 28